📌 Introduction
我有一台在內網的機器,每當重開機時,需要 SSH 連線到機器。
可以先在機器上安裝 ngrok,並設定開機自動啟動,再透過 CLoudflare Worker 讀取 ngrok 的 API 來顯示
Automatically start ngrok SSH connection and obtain the login URL and PORT from Cloudflare.
I have a machine on the internal network, and every time it restarts, I need to SSH into the machine.
First, install ngrok on the machine and set it to start automatically on boot. Then, use a Cloudflare Worker to read the ngrok API and display the information.
📝 Steps
1. 建立 ngrok.sh 放在家目錄底下,開機時可以被 crontab 執行
Create ngrok.sh and place it in the home directory so it can be executed by crontab at startup.
#! /bin/bash
ngrok tcp 22 --log=stdout > /tmp/ngrok.log &
2. 用 crontab -e
編輯 crontab 腳本
Use crontab -e to edit the crontab configuration.
# 新增在最後一行
@reboot ~/ngrok.sh
3. 編輯 Cloudflare 的 Worker,可以從 https://dashboard.ngrok.com/api 看到 API Key
Edit the Cloudflare Worker, and you can see the API Key at https://dashboard.ngrok.com/api.
export default {
async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
let response = await fetch("https://api.ngrok.com/endpoints", {
headers: {
"Authorization": "Bearer XXXXXXXXXX", // 這行需要更改
"Ngrok-Version": "2"
let endpoints = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(await response.json()));
if (endpoints['endpoints'].length > 0) {
var re = "";
for (let i = 0; i < endpoints['endpoints'].length; i++) {
re = re + endpoints['endpoints'][0]['public_url'] + " " + endpoints['endpoints'][0]['created_at'] + "\n";
return new Response(re);
} else {
return new Response("");